Past Events

TC Moose Lodge Dinners

Tell City Moose 1048 23rd Street, Tell City, IN, United States

The Tell City Moose Lodge will have chicken & pork chop dinners for sale Saturday, November 5th. Serving starts at 11:00 AM. Dinners include half chicken or 1 and 1/4 inch pork chop, green beans, and creek fries.

Moose Lodge Dinners

Tell City Moose 1048 23rd Street, Tell City, IN, United States

Chicken and pork chop dinners this Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 10:30am. The Moose will have 225 chicken and 75 pork chop dinners served on a first come first serve basis. The lodge will also be open so come in and beat the heat!

Tell City Moose Chicken or Pork Chop Dinners

Tell City Moose 1048 23rd Street, Tell City, IN, United States

Tell City Moose will be serving chicken or pork chop dinners on Saturday June 26th! Serving will start at 11am, $9.00 per dinner. 1/2 chicken or 1-1/4" pork chop with creek fries and green beans. They will start cooking at 6am and appreciate any and all help to make these cooks happen!

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